Blair Waldorf of Gossip Girl is one of the most fabulous characters I've ever seen. She's my spirit animal. Here are the reasons why I love her.
Blair Waldorf de Gossip Girl es uno de los personajes mas fabulosos que jamás haya visto. Ella es mi espíritu animal. Aquí estas las razones por las que ella me encanta.
She is truly confident. Ella realmente tiene confianza.
She knows she is fabulous. Ella sabe que es fabulosa.
She's very smart. Tiene es inteligente.
She loves fashion and she knows how to shop. Ama la moda y sabe ir de compras.

She does not take no for an answer. No acepta un no como respuesta.
She's strong. Ella es fuerte.
She has ambition and she's powerful. Es ambiciosa y poderosa.
She's a very nice friend and she makes sure her friends know their worth. Es una buena amiga.
She always has the best advice. Siempre da los mejores consejos.
She knows what she wants. Sabe lo que quiere.
She doesn't need no man in her life, she is successful. Ella no necesita un hombre en su vida, ella es exitosa.
She has a big heart and she knows how to love. Tiene un gran corazón y sabe como amar.
She puts family first. Pone a la familia primero.
She loves champagne. Ella ama el champagne.
She is the one and only Blair Waldorf. Ella es la número uno, la única Blair Waldorf.
She's the Queen B